A wide array of throughts cross your mind. You haven't slept in some time, and you welcome the

quiet escape that your dreams offer you. During nights like these, when your eyes have long since

tightly shut and your mind has slipped into the pool of black that muddies your subconscious, you

are free to indulge in the fantasies that would be impossible in the waking world. It is in this

mindscape that you can escape from his cold eyes and his grip that is far too tight. In this world,

he is all yours and is exactly how you like him to be. His grip is soft and his eyes are warm. He holds

you in such a way that you crave and yearn for in your daily servitude to him. You know that he will

never bring you harm like this, and that you are always safe as long as you are with him. It's painful

in a way to know that this is only a fabrication of your mind, though you try to convince yourself otherwise

as you stumble your way through life. But you ignore this pain, as well as the pain on your collarbone and

right hand, as you you blissfully play with his dark hair and sing quietly in his ear. He tells you all

of those words you imagine he would, if only he could. You don't want to wake from this dream. His hand

reaches to cup your face. You don't want to wake from this dream. His scent is that of an old ashtray and

death. You don't want to wake from this dream. Your lips meet and the passion overwhelms you, intoxicates

you. You don't want to wake from this dream. His mouth is warm and his teeth are so sharp they could cut

you. You don't want to wake from this dream. Your hands are shaking as you raise them towards him. You don't

want to wake from this dream. He tugs your hair and you whimper as you brandish your love. You don't want

to wake from this dream. His silence is peaceful as you plunge the blade deeply into his chest. You don't

want to wake from this dream. You draw yourself away and blood covers your face. You don't want to wake

from this dream. Your vision is cloudy and you feel as though you could walk on air. You don't want to...

The light dims. Your perceptions begin to unravel. A loud ringing fils your ears. It's time to wake up.